Tuesday 12 June 2007

Pavlov's cat?

I've been giving Mahou her daily tablet, as always, crushed in the mortar and mixed with some tinned food. I always thought that she scoffed the lot because she was used to the dried stuff and the tinned food was so tasty. Ha, more fool me. She gave me her second surprise of the week. (The first one is here.)

I put the tablet in the mortar this morning, went to look for a tin of food and returned to find Mahou crunching on her medicine. I gave her some canned food aferwards, just in case. I still want her to associate tablets with getting a treat, although I may try offering the tablet on its own tomorrow - it solves the problem of what to do with Elbi and
Beeps when Mahou is eating. I had to shut Elbi in the lounge the other day to stop her from getting at the bowl and she screamed blue murder, the greedy little scamp. Now everyone'll be happy.


Ju's little sister said...

Dost mine eyes deceive me? I'm sorry, I thought I saw your post saying your cat was crunching on her tablet?

Of her own free will?

I would be very wary - keep your eyes open, she must be hiding something.

Unknown said...

Amazing isn't it?! I'm wondering whethe ror not to try it with her deworming tablet which is now due: get the tin of food out, put the tablet in the mortar and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you the cat is a 'drugias' Rach? Why does she love her tablets? I don't think it will work with the worming tablet mind. Coco will eat all his food and avoid the worming tablet. Theres no fooling him.

Unknown said...

Dawn, we've decided that, because it's a sulfate tablet and doesn't contain any bitter drugs she actually likes it - she scoffed another one on its own today. I think any other tablet will have to be done by the traditional open-the-mouth-and-throw-it-down-the-throat-as-fast-as-possible-then-clamp-the-mouth-shut-'til-swallowed method.