Monday, 3 September 2007


We're off on our holidays tomorrow - just to Vega for a-week-or-so's camping, although I'm heartily looking forward to it. I've spent all afternoon packing and am exhausted - anyone who goes camping will realise why: so much gear and food to prepare, it's never-ending. I may have to sneak one or two of those beers I currently have chilling to take with us. See you all when I get back.


Melody said... sounds like fun! I look forward to reading about your ventures. And yes, I hope you took those beers with you...

lorenzothellama said...

Have a brilliant time! We will probably turn your blog into a chat room while you are away! We are off to Turkey at the end of next week, to do more sailing. Not deep Ocean sailing this time.

I used to love camping, but it is such a hassle packing, unpacking, pitching, unpitching and putting away again. I am getting lazy now and will only go camping to places like Eurocamp where it is all done for me!

Hope the cats don't miss you too much! Scaredy went to the vets yesterday and had all his dreadlocks removed!

Love Lorenzo.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Scaredy had a yukky time of it, but at least its all over. Tell him am am coping well without my teeth. At least getting rid of the dread locks makes tummy rubs nicer.

Camping and sailing huh? None of that sounds very fun at all!

Anonymous said...

how long is a week-or-so?

Cos Mum says, "I'll get Plumpy's nails clipped in a week-or-so" and it's been at least two months now. I don't think I can wait two months for your next post.

Maybe Elbi or Beeps could post some pictures in your absence?

Anonymous said...

Hello? Is there anyone there?

Even Lorenzo and Scaredy haven't left their paw prints

Anonymous said...

Sorry Plumpy not to have left paw prints, but my Mum has been busy trying to sort out her wretched blog and without your Mum's help she would still be struggling.

I've just popped on to tell Elbi, Beeps and Mahoo they have been tagged. If you can do it Plumpy, so can they!

Raelha, I have to go to the horrid cattery place with Badger while my Mum goes gallavanting off somewhere to do some sailing. She thinks I don't know, but I heard her booking us in the other day. I might just scram and hide on Saturday morning.

Love Scaredy.