Friday, 21 September 2007

The forgiveness of cats

When we returned from our camping trip Elbi was there, waiting at the bottom of the drive for us. As soon as we appeared, she rolled on her back and and demanded strokes with a series of chirrups. It's comforting to know that after our ten days away she was still hanging about for us and became ecstatic the moment we arrived. Our absence was immediately forgotten and forgiveness has been easily earned over the course of last week with a series of stokes, tickles, scratches and cuddles that we were only too happy to bestow.

The other two were a different matter.

Beeps materialised from the garden about half an hour after we returned, gave a little meow of welcome, and then continued her adventuring. For several days afterwards she carried on with her own routine and we saw her every now and again. One evening, about four days after we got back, I was lying in bed when I heard the pad, pad, pad of a cat coming up the stairs and along the landing. The next thing I knew, a small, black, furry ball was curled up on the bed demanding to be stroked and purring as loud as she could. Tummy rubs ensued for half an hour and she would've had more had I not needed to go to sleep. She stayed on the bed all night, purring, only getting up when we did. After that, everything was alright again.

Being half-Siamese, Mahou is rather highly-strung and easily offended. We returned at about 4pm from our camping trip and at 11pm she'd still not appeared despite our calling and tapping her favourite food bowl. This happens every time we go away, be it for a couple of nights or a couple of weeks. However, it doesn't stop me worrying about her every time, even though I'm sure she does it on purpose - we have upset her by going away so she wants to make us suffer a little before magnanamously granting us the honour of her presence. At 12am Matt went out and called and she appeared straight away as if nothing had happened. After a good scoff she came and joined us in the bedroom and spent the next couple of nights snuggling in the crook of my legs.

It's good to be forgiven.


Melody said...

Aww...pets are funny things aren't they? I'm glad all was forgiven. I wonder what they think when you leave them... And I wonder what they think when you return.

Sara said...

They are right proper little people aren't they? The perfect pet! (I considered writing purrfect and then rolled my own eyes at myself.)

Plumpy said...

Raelha, I'm not surprised. I tend to influence all those around me. Even those who are not fond of cats begin to appreciate jsut how wonderful I am.

All your girls are beautiful and I am glad to know Elbi is the most forgiving. I shall reserve the most special cuddles for her.

Unknown said...

Magdalene, oh yes, they all have their own personalitiy and are fully-fledged members of the family.

Plumpy, you're such a charmer!