Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Pre-holiday adventures

OK, so I sort of lied in my last post. Before I tell you all about my 'holiday' holiday, this post is all about my 'friends visiting' holiday just before, which was as much fun, though for different reasons. Matt was not at all sure what to expect when I announced that four of my girlfriends were coming for a flying visit, but I think he enjoyed himself too.

We were all convinced Dawn was cursed - last time she came it started raining as soon as she arrived and things followed a similar pattern on this occasion. However, everyone seemed to be determined to make the most of our terrace and we spent the first evening and following afternoon outside with our beer/cava jackets on.

Who needs a coat when you have cava?

Modelling the latest headgear.

The first of many (as I'm sure you guessed).

How to keep warm and drink in style at the same time.

I may have to beg forgiveness for posting those photos at a later date, so moving quickly on...

The third day of the visit dawned bright and sunny, Asturias was at its best and I was ready to show off the region to my friends. However, once we made our way up to the Peña Mayor the clouds reappeared so we quickly scoffed a picnic lunch and hid in a bar in Pola De Laviana, a town up the valley, while we waited for the weather to make up its mind.

This is where we ended up after:

Ladines is a traditional Asturian village in Redes Park. It's probably my favourite village there.

Admiring the view

Cheeky kitten on an horreo
After a wander round the village we stopped at another bar (can anyone see a pattern developing?) to enjoy the full sun and were joined by two enthusiastic young cats who proceed to show off. The lighter-coloured one sat on my lap once they'd worn each other out and purred contentedly. Depsite much encouragement from Dawn I managed to resist taking her home - Matt and our three would not have thanked me for it.

Also on the bar's terrace was this glorious sunflower.

In true Spanish style, we left Ladines and headed to a cafe for more goodies - cakes this time. I give English lessons to the cafe's owner, who sometimes gives me a package of edible treats after our Friday lesson, much to Matt's delight.

As if that wasn't enough we then headed home for more beer/cava before we went out for a very piggy meal at a local restaurant. It was a rather decadent few days but I see my friends so little I feel I have a good enough excuse for all that indulging.

Next up, my beach-camping holiday. Unless the cats beat me to it - they're been tagged by Lorenzo and inspired by Plumpy. I can't say what will come first.


Anonymous said...

horrendous pic(s) but I will forgive you as we had such a brilliant time!

Unknown said...

You should've seen what I cut out for the cake picture!

Melody said...

Oh yes you must indulge when friends are about. It's the law.

Nice to see piccies of your buddies - has it really been over 10 years since I met them? I wonder if they remember me? That shy Aussie lass...

Looks and sounds as if you had a wonderful time. Great photos - I love the sunflower one!

Ju's little sister said...

Food! Drink! Cat-cuddles and friends. What more could a girl ask for?

Unknown said...

Melody, of course they all remember you, I still talk about you to them. You weren't shy at all - I recall you got on very well with Rach.