Tuesday, 5 February 2008

One of those rare days

Today has been good. Very good. One of those days where everything is right and everyone and everything is in a fine mood. I enjoyed every little detail.

The lawn carpeted with daisies

Mahou adventuring

Beeps exploring the chapel roof

The first of the neighbour's lambs

Another neighbour's horse looking for attention

Even the clothes flapping chirpily in the breeze as puffs of cloud moved across the sky in formation behind them.

As for myself, after a session cutting wood and trimming the grass around the new bushes, I decided that was that and retired, book in hand, to my hammock.


Melody said...

My goodness that sky is sooooo blue! Love (love, love) days like that.

Metamatician said...

Neat daisies, the picture of Mahou is the best - very dramatic with the warped geology of the area very visible in the background and a nice pose by the subject, and a cute lamby. Also, I see your toesies. I'm sure Maalie will remark on the alto- or cirro-stratus clouds so I won't bother.

Nice pics and a well deserved hammock session at the end. Were you reading "The Inheritance of Loss" or something else? Are you monogamous about your reading?

Unknown said...

Melody, thanks. Not bad at all for February.

Meta, Mahou is a big poser, a beautiful puss, and she knows it.

Yes, The Inheritance of Loss. And I'm enjoying it greatly. So many wonderful observations in there and such briliant use of language, as well as being an excellent story too. I'm sometimes monogamous, sometimes not. Depends on the book. I can have an English one, a Spanish one and a non-fiction one on the go at the same time. Normally in the summer when I'm not working 'til late and my brain can cope with it.

lorenzothellama said...

Ou est Elbi ma amie? Oui, je pense que Mahou est tres tres belle et Beeps est adventuresse.

Je hope que le soleil est shining sur Maalie aussi!

Lorenzo la Llama

Viking Warrior said...

Yon horse looks good enough to eat.

lorenzothellama said...

You know Raelha, you really have very nice feet!

Metamatician said...

You need some pictures with cows in them, please.


Unknown said...

Lorenzo, it comes from wearing DMs and trainers when younger, and not the kind of shoes my mother would've liked me to wear.

Meta, I shall snap some asap, as soon as they oblige. There are some in June or July of last year if you can't wait that long.

Metamatician said...

Ooh goodie. Me gustan muchas las vacas.

lorenzothellama said...

Have you ever tried the MBT shoes (Massai Barefoot Technology)? I have a pair of their sandels and they are brilliant but their trainer type shoes are not so comfortable for me as they don't cling enough round the heel. I bought a fabulous pair of Spanish shoes called el natura lista. They are the best shoes I have ever had!

Metamatician said...
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Anonymous said...

Weather is looking good Rach. Gorgeous blue skies.

I've just been scrutinising your list of films on the right hand side and am shocked to see no Borat listed. Surely its worthy !!!!????

lorenzothellama said...

Bollocks Meta, I had a pair of cherry doc. martins. I bitterly regret giving them to the charity shop a few years back in a moment of madness.

Unknown said...

What's happening? My comments are full of bollocks.

lorenzothellama said...

Hmph. So I see. But if I'm supplying the starters over at Mags. then bollocks it is!

Metamatician said...

I don't think I'll be having much of an appetite in that case.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! ...the photos, that is, not your feet. Though they, of course, are very lovely as well in their own right.

I haven't seen blue sky in months.

Unknown said...

Speaking of dearest Maggie, but not wishing to further put anyone else off their dinner, has anyone heard a song by Hefner called 'The Day that Margaret Thatcher dies'? The title in itself is enough to recommend it, but also, it samples some children singing from the Wizard of Oz, 'Ding, dong, the witch is dead. Which old witch? The wicked witch!'.

lorenzothellama said...

Talking of our Mrs Thatcher, do you remember that song: Bring me the Head of Michael Portillo on a Plate?

That tetchy old Viking suggested slug and snail soup for starters. Carrot wine and gin over at Martins it is Raelha.

Unknown said...

Yes, I rememebr the Michael Portillos song too. I have it on CD somewhere.

I hope you didn't follow the suggestion. Although washed down with carrot wine it may just be bearable, but perhaps not if we're going on a bumpy carpet ride.

Martin Stickland said...

Wow That looks like a mighty fine place you live there!

Love the daisies!

Whats the main course?

lorenzothellama said...

Seems like it's bollocks Martin. Are they classed as meat or fish?

Metamatician said...

Definitely meat, and I'm definitely gonna take a pass on those. Hopefully the side dishes and wine will make up for it.

Sara said...

Gorgeous weather by the looks of it, but not to be outdone, I can actually say that the English weather in the South West has been absolutely beautiful this weekend. The Weirdo and I had another delightful bike ride yesterday and you'll all be pleased to hear that there has been a substantial improvement in the durability of my nether regions. :-)

Metamatician said...

Is that because of The Weirdo or the bike? :)

lorenzothellama said...

Meta!!! That's wot I was going to say. You stole my funny and witting comment. Bastardo.

Sara said...

Both luvs!

lorenzothellama said...

Hey lovely weather here! Been out along the canal towpath with Badger. See, you don't get it all in Spain!

Metamatician said...

Lorenzo, sorry about that! =)

Just curious - do Badger and Scaredy get on well?

lorenzothellama said...

Badger gets on with everyone and everything except squirrels and ducks. She chases them neurotically. He likes Scaredy and wants to play with him.

When we first got Badger, Scaredy was indignant but when he realized Badger wasn't actually a threat, he ignored him. Badger tries to round him up and if he is in a good mood he will let Badger chase him round the garden and then he'll turn and chase Badger! Mostly he is supremely indifferent!

lorenzothellama said...

Sorry, gender bending here. It's 'she' likes Scaredy. It's still early in the morning.

Maalie said...

Looks lovely. I had similar gorgeous weather in Spain and recorded 114 species of birds and 3 species of butterfly. Will blog it shortlywards.

Metamatician said...

LtL, that sounds like a nice harmonious relationship :) I like to see dogs and cats get along. Of course the most you can expect from cats is indifference, but that's practically a vigorous nod of approval from a feline.

Maalie, do you track dragonflies and damselflies as well? I just saw a lovely "Wildlife on One" about them and learned quite a bit, and my mum is fascinated by them as she gets them in her garden in abundance.